FAST budget and forecasting platform

Develop, manage and forecast your budgets with FAST

Utilize both centralized and decentralized reporting to help your various organizational teams view and edit numerous budget scenarios, forecasts and multi-year plans for their department.
FAST budget and forecasting

Budget and Forecasting made easy

The FAST Budget and Forecasting application allows for both centralized and decentralized Budget development, management, and Forecasting.
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Help your teams plan out "What If?" scenarios.
Keep track of budgets by month, quarter or annually.
Send transfers for multiple approval before getting finalized and completed.
Load and manage Position Budgets and coding distribution directly in FAST and sync that information not the ERP system.
Keep your eyes on various data elements, such as positions, employees, dollars, and FTE.
Utilize Student Enrolment Forecasting and Faculty Planning data to assist in developing budgets and scenarios.
FAST budget and forecasting

A better way to forecast your budgets

The FAST Budget and Forecasting application allows for both centralized and decentralized budget development, management, and forecasting.

Budget Development

Create multiple budget scenarios to track Revenue and Tuition, Salary and Benefits, and Operational expenses. Provides "What if?" planning and approval workflow.

Budget Transfers

Decentralize the creation of budget transfers to support various levels of organizational approvals, ensuring proper spending authorization and completion.


Forecast modelling that includes integrated actuals, budget and forecast data that can provide insights into current and future fiscal positions. Perform long-term planning for budgets and capital for multiple years into the future.

Productivity with Every Module

FAST Productivity Tools that help you maximize your ERP investment.
Development Toolkit:
build your own Warehouse, Reports and Data Entry pages.
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Report Scheduler:
Schedule pinned reports to be delivered to yourself, or to groups.
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Communication Centre:
Send and receive direct 2-way SMS or email to employees and students.
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Form Generator:
Create fully customized PDF reports with images and rich text.
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FAST is completely customizable,
easy to set up, and fully integrated.

Let's Talk
100% web-based platform
No client software to install
Remote implementation
Deploy in hours