FAST student and financial aid platform

Keep track of student life from top to bottom

FAST Student Reporting and Financial Aid Reporting can give you the tools to keep your campus running efficiently.

Going Beyond the Basics

One place to track and manage Courses, Enrollment, and Faculty

Pre-Built and Customized Reports

Use our existing reporting structures or build your own

Enhanced Security

Limit access based on menus, rows, columns and fields

Point in Time Data

Take archive snapshots of any data to allow for point in time comparison reporting

Up-to-date Information

Complete data warehouse that refreshes nightly or on a schedule

Going Beyond the Basics

One place to track and manage Courses, Enrollment, and Faculty

Pre-Built and Customized Reports

Use our existing reporting structures or build your own

Point in Time Data

Take archive snapshots of any data to allow for point in time comparison reporting
FAST student and financial aid

Accurate Financial Aid Tracking with FAST

Provide visibility to offered, awarded, cancelled, and disbursed funds, ensuring aid gets to the students who need it.
Keep track of disbursement totals and the number of recipients. Use this data to understand award trends.
Get a high-level overview of the application pool at your institution.
Monitor academic progress for award eligibility, as well as any outstanding disbursement requirements.
Better manage your institution's awarding initiatives to identify unmet need trends and potential over-awarding.
FAST student and financial aid

Each student is important, and so is their data

Student life can be chaotic, which is why maintaining an up-to-date and secure student database is essential.
View current and historical data in one place, at the same time.
Take snapshots to accurately compare current trends with historical performance.
Allow users to focus on what is important and remove the clutter.
See the entire student life cycle from admissions to convocation in one place.
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FAST student and financial aid

Detailed Student Reporting

Student life on campus means more than just studying. Track your students' progress, from new applicants to graduating seniors.
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Utilize enrollment data to make strategic plans and manage strategic resources.
Manage Student Account Receivables via Aging Reports, Term Summary Reports, and detailed Student Account Information.
Monitor admission and registration levels, academic history and grading.
Collaborate on enrollment projections, tuition and fee budgeting, course scheduling and faculty hiring.
Enter grades online, perform grade updates and approve grade changes.
View trends and generate reports on admissions, convocations and grad students.
FAST student and financial aid

Track data on the Student Experience at your institution

From Financial Aid to Student Life, FAST can help you maintain information for every student who studies at your campus.

Applicant Tracking

Track and compare application records by current or previous years by sorting and filtering using metrics of your choice.

Student Financial Aid

Review Financial Aid applications, monitor award eligibility, track awarding trends, and manage fund availability.

Student Life

Track enrollment, enter grades online, maintain an academic history for each student, and keep tabs on students who may be close to graduating.

Going Beyond the Basics

FAST Faculty Load & Compensation

FLAC saves time by providing information necessary for monitoring and communicating faculty and contract workload levels.
No more passing spreadsheets around campus.  FAST allows for online departmental collaboration when building faculty workload budgets and analyzing Expected vs. Actual totals.
Single view: Integrates Faculty, Course, and Human Resources information together in one easy-to-use interface.
Flexible: Allows you to use your baseline ERP to the extent you choose, and supplement that with FAST data entry forms.
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FAST Enrollment Planning & Forecasting

Forecast enrollment, tuition, and workload from both the student and budget perspective, then easily compare those forecasts to actuals. You can also track tuition and fees from Finance to Student AR.
Extensive course planning functionality: Get a head start on planning out your course schedule for upcoming terms, and easily push out that information with various department chairs so they can propose their own changes. Proposed changes can optionally be routed through custom approval queues.
Course Revenue and Expense Forecasting: Create annual course revenue/expense and enrollment forecasting for strategic and budgeting purposes.
Projections: Generate revenue and expense projections using both granular and high-level scenarios for as many years into the future as you like.
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Productivity with Every Module

FAST Productivity Tools that help you maximize your ERP investment.
Development Toolkit:
build your own Warehouse, Reports and Data Entry pages.
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Report Scheduler:
Schedule pinned reports to be delivered to yourself, or to groups.
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Communication Centre:
Send and receive direct 2-way SMS or email to employees and students.
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Form Generator:
Create fully customized PDF reports with images and rich text.
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FAST is completely customizable,
easy to set up, and fully integrated.

Let's Talk
100% web-based platform
No client software to install
Remote implementation
Deploy in hours