The 'Edit my Tabs' functionality in FAST allows end users to customize the display of the tabs that run across the top of a reporting page. This includes tabs for filters, report results, pinned reports, advanced options, help, and other available tabs. Users can enable or disable tabs, change their order, decide whether a tab should be displayed or housed in the +More menu, and apply these settings to all reporting pages in the application or only to specific pages. To edit the tabs, access the +More menu from any reporting page. The top half of the page allows you to change your personal preferences. As you make changes, the bottom half of the page will display a preview of how your tabs will appear if you save your changes. To apply the same settings to all your reporting pages, ensure that 'All' is selected in the 'These settings will affect the following pages' option. Once you have finished adjusting your preferences, click the 'Save and Apply Changes' button. The changes will take effect immediately.