Do you work in a Banner ERP environment? If so, do you struggle from time to time when your regular reporting requirements, for external bodies, government or other require that you report on your financial data in a way that does not align to the standard or default Banner GL hierarchy?
That’s a mouthful; let me simplify.
Many institutions need to report, on a fairly regular basis in a way that Banner does not allow. In other words, more of your time is spent aggregating, modifying and finessing those numbers to present it “just so”.
Until now, there was really no way around it. But we heard you and we decided to do something about it.
Administrators now have the ability to create as many new or “alternate hierarchies”, for reporting purposes, as they need! These are Chart specific and each coding element is independent. In other words, you can create multiple hierarchies for Fund, Orgn, Acct and Prog and then run them against your every day reports in fast finance reporting and also fast budget and forecasting.
Contact Customer Support for more info, and be sure to schedule your FAST upgrade (and some helpful FAST training!) to get the ball rolling! Alternate Hierarchies is now available in current FAST release versions 4.5 and higher.